The chain of KERALA PUBLIC SCHOOLS is managed by a Board duiy constituted by the Kerala Public School Trust, registered under the Indian Trust Act, a charitable institution with headquater at Jamshedpur. The members of the Society are Keralites and, in the states of Jharkhand and Orissa, they are a Linguistic Minority group. The services of the schools are dedicated to the benefits of all persons irrespective of linguistic, social or religious considerations.
The schools aim at and do impart practical and purposeful education to pupils from all over the country. The best of education is given with utmost care, love and understanding with a view to instilling early enough into these young minds moral and ethical values, strength of character, discipline, patriotism, and an abiding spirit of service and sacrifice.
KERALA PUBLIC SCHOOLS receive no government or private aid and fees realised from students is the only source of revenue. Therefore, to meet the rising costs and increase in salary, fees may have to be hiked by 10% to 15% annually.
This diary aims at establishing a valuable link between the teachers and the parents with regard to the quality and quantity of work attempted by teachers and students both in school and at home.
The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulation of others.