NML Kerala Public School
...every child a winner
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Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
English FIGURES OF SPEECH Link Portion and Assignments
English SENTENCES Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi संज्ञा Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi आत्मत्राण Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics FRACTIONS Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics INTERGERS Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics Decimals Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics Rational Numbers (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics Rational Numbers (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
Science NUTRITION IN PLANTS Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST INSIDE OUR EARTH Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi संज्ञा Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi आत्मत्राण Link Portion and Assignments
Social Science Our Environment Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Animals (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Animals (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Animals (Part 3) Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Plants (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Plants (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
Science Nutrition in Plants (Part 3) Link Portion and Assignments


7-5-2020 to 20-5-2020

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Notice Writing Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Fog (Poem) Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Meeting Pool Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Noun and its kinds Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI बाल मजदूरी एक अभिशाप Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI सर्वनाम Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Rational Numbers (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Decimals Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Fiber to Fabric (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Fiber to Fabric (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Heat (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Heat (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Heat (Part 3) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE The Delhi Sultanate (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE The Delhi Sultanate (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE The Delhi Sultanate (Part 3) Link Portion and Assignments


22-5 -2020 – Assignment 4

SUBJECT TOPIC Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH PERSONAL PRONOUNS Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH POEM – HIDE & SEEK Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH ESSAY WRITING Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH ARTICLES & DETERMINERS Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI जापान से मित्र को पत्र PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI जापान से मित्र को पत्र PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS PROFIT & LOSS PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS PROFIT & LOSS PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE HEAT PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE HEAT PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE HEAT PART 3 Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST EQUALITY Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT द्वितीया विभक्ति कर्म कारक Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT तृतीया विभक्ति करण कारक Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE FIBRE TO FABRIC PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE FIBRE TO FABRIC PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments

15-6-2020 to 30-6-2020


Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Non Finite Verbs Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Verbs Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Scaffolding Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Jane Eyre of Longwood Institution Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI कबीर के दोहे Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI लिंग  एवम् भेद Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT संप्रदान & अपादान कारक Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Simple Interest Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Lines and Angles (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Lines and Angles (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Lines and Angles (Part3) Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Lines and Angles (Part4) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Physical and Chemical Change (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Physical and Chemical Change (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Physical and Chemical Change (Part3) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Role of Government in Public Health Care Link Portion and Assignments
Subject Topic Teacher Module


4-7-2020 (Assignment 6)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
English MODALS Link Portion and Assignments
English Alexander The Great Link Portion and Assignments
English Clauses Link Portion and Assignments
English Educating Mothers Link Portion and Assignments
English ESSAY WRITING Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi चाओबी मौसी कt पश”   न
Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi चाओबी मौसी कt पश”   न
Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi चाओबी मौसी कt पश”   न
Part 3
Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi वचन Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics EXPONENTS Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics ALGEBRIC EXPRESSIONS PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics ALGEBRIC EXPRESSIONS PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
Mathematics REFLECTION & ROTATIONAL SYMETRY Link Portion and Assignments
Science RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
Science RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST Our Changing Earth. Link Portion and Assignments


18-7-2020 to 2-8-2020

SUBJECT TOPIC Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Tenses Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI वाक्य के अंग, अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT सुभाषितानि Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Ratio and Proportion Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Motion and Time (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Motion and Time (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Motion and Time (Part3) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Role of Media (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Role of Media (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments


17-8-2020 to 2-9-2020 (Assignment 8)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH SENTENCES Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH LETTER WRITING Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi पत्रलेखन Part 1 Link Portion and Assignments
Hindi पत्रलेखन Part 2 Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST AIR Link Portion and Assignments


22-9-2020 to 05-10-2020 (Assignment 9)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Picture Composition Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Fagin’s School Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI मीरा के पद Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT भूतकाल Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Unitary Method Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Linear Equations in one variable Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Light (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Light (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Light (Part3) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Light (Part4) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Medieval Architechture Link Portion and Assignments


(Assignment 9 & 10)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Prepositions And Their Uses Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Adverbs And Degrees Of Comparison Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI मेरी तमिलनाडु यात्रा Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI क्रिया Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Weather, climate and adaptation of animals to climate- PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Weather, climate and adaptation of animals to climate- PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Weather, climate and adaptation of animals to climate- PART 3 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES – PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES- PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES – PART 3 Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST Market around us Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT पाठ-14 भविष्यत काल Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT पाठ-15 भविष्यत काल Link Portion and Assignments


(Assignment 11)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Biographical Sketches Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Conjunctions Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Alexander the Great Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI सच्ची मित्रता Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI अपठित काव्यांश Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT सप्तमी विभक्ति (अधिकरण कारक) Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Mensuration Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Transportation in Plants & Animals (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Transportation in Plants & Animals (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Natural Vegatation (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Natural Vegatation (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments


(Assignment 12)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
SANSKRIT पाठ-  17 Link Portion and Assignments
S.ST Role of gender-growing up as girls and boys Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Waste water story Part 1 Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Waste water story Part 2 Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI भारत के आदिवासी Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS Congruence PART 1 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS Congruence PART 2 Link Portion and Assignments
MATHS Bargraph Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Direct &  Indirect Speech Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH The Poison Tree Link Portion and Assignments


(Assignment 13)

Subject Topic Teacher Module Link Assignment
ENGLISH Geography Lesson Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Toasted English Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Punctuation and Capital Letters Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Question Tag Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH The Sea Link Portion and Assignments
ENGLISH Monarch Butterflies Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI नचिकेता Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI और भी है Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI काल Link Portion and Assignments
HINDI कारक Link Portion and Assignments
SANSKRIT सत्यस्य विजय: Link Portion and Assignments
MATHEMATICS Collection and Organisation of Data Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Soil (Part 1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Soil (Part 2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Reproduction in Plants (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Reproduction in Plants (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Electric Current and its Effects (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Electric Current and its Effects (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SCIENCE Water Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Devotional and Religious Movement (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Devotional and Religious Movement (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Water Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Life in Tropical and Subtropical Region (Part1) Link Portion and Assignments
SOCIAL SCIENCE Life in Tropical and Subtropical Region (Part2) Link Portion and Assignments